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Dukes Plus
Beyond the classroom
Dukes Plus Dukes Plus is a provider of university application support, life-changing career and university experiences, day camps, tuition, and summer schools.
University Applications Our curated collection of consultancies represent the best of Oxbridge, US, and Medicine application support.
Experiences Dukes is home to the UK's leading careers experiences, summer school and activity day camp providers.


Dukes Education’s Guides are the definitive works for students applying to Oxford, Cambridge, top US universities, or medical school. We combine our extensive annual research, going back more than 20 years, with our consultants’ expert knowledge, republishing the guides once every two years to ensure they are as up to date as possible.


Insight is a termly publication written by thought leaders from amongst the Dukes family of nurseries, schools, colleges, and organisations beyond the classroom. Inside, you will find articles offering invaluable insights into the UK’s independent education sector that aim to inspire reflection, creativity, and further discussion of current educational topics.