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Louisa McCafferty, Head, Broomwood Prep – Girls

Louisa has a long history with Broomwood and grew up in the local area. She first worked for Broomwood between 2006 and 2010 and in various roles including Head of Drama and Assistant Head of Sport. She then moved abroad and taught in international schools in the Middle East and Shanghai. Teaching across such a broad range of settings was an invaluable experience and helped her develop a passion for all things Teaching and Learning.

In 2014 Louisa returned to London and Broomwood, moving up the ranks from Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning) to Deputy Head. In these roles, she drove the academic running of the school and brought in several initiatives that are still firmly embedded across both the Lower and Upper Schools, the impact of which can be seen in some of the best results yet.

In 2021, Louisa decided it was time for the next challenge and was thrilled to be appointed at Head of the Upper School. She is excited to lead a school she knows so well into the next phase of its already remarkable journey.

Louisa is married to Graeme, a Deputy Head locally and has twin daughters. When not at school, Louisa loves to travel, play tennis, cook, and has a particular love of musicals

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