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Tereza Bočanová, Head, Pražské humanitní gymnázium

Tereza first joined Pražské humanitní gymnázium as a representative for project-based learning. After the first project was implemented to great acclaim from parents, she became the headmistress of the school, just before the onset of the covid pandemic in 2020. Tereza graduated from the Faculty of Education at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University with a degree in Geography.

Tereza first gained her experience as a geography teacher at a state primary school in Prague, then she took on the role of class teacher and teacher of geography and science, both in the CLIL method at the Czech-German Gymnasium in Prague. Then she started to develop project-based learning at Pražské humanitní gymnázium. She successfully navigated covid teaching with the teaching staff. For the fourth year, she has been piloting project teaching with the team, introducing it recently in the upper secondary school and supporting CLIL teaching activities.

In her previous positions, Tereza gained mainly organisational, communication and negotiation skills. This year, the secondary school has become an inspirational school where teachers and principals from all over the country come to for advice on implementing changes in their schools. In the coming years, she plans to develop her doctoral studies. She will continue to cooperate externally with the Faculty of Education at Charles University as a lecturer in the Principal’s Minimum Programme, of which she herself is a graduate.

Her passion is to spread the idea of contextual learning through project-based learning, following the example of Western and Northern Europe, and to influence a paradigm shift in the perception of education in Czech society. She is the co-author of the book Newly Project-Based, where she and fellow principals from other schools put together a manual for school leaders on the topic of implementing change in the education process. She also contributes articles to a periodical devoted to education in the Czech Republic.

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