Our Schools
Our schools
Dukes Plus
Beyond the classroom
Dukes Plus Dukes Plus is a provider of university application support, life-changing career and university experiences, day camps, tuition, and summer schools.
University Applications Our curated collection of consultancies represent the best of Oxbridge, US, and Medicine application support.
Experiences Dukes is home to the UK's leading careers experiences, summer school and activity day camp providers.

Beehive School

At Beehive School, we understand that education is more than just academics; it’s a lifelong journey. That’s why we are committed to providing the best possible educational experiences for every child. Our dedicated staff works tirelessly to ensure that each student receives personalized attention and support, not only in their studies, but also in their physical, social, and emotional growth. It is important for me as a director to ensure that our school is a safe place where students can grow to their full potential.

Beehive School

Beehive Primary School is a bilingual institution that offers instruction in both English and Czech for children aged 6 to 10 years old.


Beehive is an ideal choice for students looking for a family environment (the school has a capacity of 120 students) but also a high-quality, challenging, bilingual education. With an unwavering dedication to holistic child development, we masterfully blend the British and Czech curricula, setting a new standard for education in the Czech Republic. Our forward-thinking approach doesn‘t simply lay a robust academic foundation; it also offers a world of opportunities to students within the realm of international education. Our ethos is grounded in the conviction that education is an ongoing journey. With this conviction in mind, we provide an excellent start for each student’s individual path, encompassing academic mastery, physical vitality, and socio-emotional evolution. At the heart of our educational mindset is the belief that joyful students are successful students. Time and experience have shown that true success blooms from comprehensive support, a fostering of self-assurance, a collaborative spirit, mutual respect, and the application of effective learning methodologies.

Beehive School
Na Šafránce 9 Praha 10 - Královské Vinohrady

Beehive School

Na Šafránce 9, Vinohrady, Czechia