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Dukes Plus
Beyond the classroom
Dukes Plus Dukes Plus is a provider of university application support, life-changing career and university experiences, day camps, tuition, and summer schools.
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Experiences Dukes is home to the UK's leading careers experiences, summer school and activity day camp providers.


As the headmaster of Square, it gives me great pleasure to share with you our school’s distinctive approach to education and our unwavering commitment to fostering the holistic growth of each child. Ultimately, it is our goal that a graduate of Square emerges as a competent and well-rounded individual, equipped not only with academic prowess, but also with essential life skills.

Armed with emotional intelligence, teamwork abilities, effective communication, and a command of English, our students are poised to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and resilience.


Square is a Czech-English primary school located in Prague, catering to students from 6 to 15 years old.


It provides instruction in both Czech and English, with extended English language classes. Square caters to the individual needs of each student, while allowing each student to express his or her own unique talents. Our pioneering “Tree Rings” educational methodology begins with what is seen and experienced, then expands to encompass more general and abstract concepts. This provides each child a smooth flow in the acquisition of knowledge from novice to master. Central to our vision is the crafting of an environment that nurtures each student‘s distinctiveness while fostering important skills such as self-awareness, intrinsic motivation, adaptability, and resilience. At the heart of our curriculum is the mission to teach each child the art of learning: identifying aspirations, embracing errors as stepping stones, and charting his or her own academic journey.


By maintaining smaller class sizes—capped at 22 students—we guarantee personalised attention and forge deep, meaningful bonds with each child. Furthermore, our curriculum builds proficiency in both Czech and English language communication, ensuring that our graduates are poised to follow diverse personal and professional paths.

Svatoslavova 333/6 140 00 Praha 4 – Nusle


Svatoslavova 333/6, 140 00 Praha 4-Nusle, Czechia